“Profiling Excellence” is an exciting new interview series which seeks to showcase the deep talent within the government relations community and share best practices amongst practitioners.
Profiling Excellence: Alain Madgin
ALAIN MADGIN Partner | TACTIX "Establishing trust between a client and the consultant is paramount, and this is so that we can develop an approach that is achievable and...
Profiling Excellence: Shaughn McArthur
SHAUGHN MCARTHUR Associate Director of Government Relations | Nature United I'm guided by a single question: “Where can I have the most impact on the issues that excite me...
Profiling Excellence: Will Shelling
WILL SHELLING (he/him/his) Senior Consultant | Counsel Public Affairs “We’re seeing more people in GR now that represent those we advocate towards and on behalf of.”...
Profiling Excellence: Francesca Iacurto
FRANCESCA IACURTO Vice-President, Communications and Advocacy The Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting Government relations should be thought of as a multidisciplinary...
Profiling Excellence: Garry Keller
GARRY KELLER Vice-President StrategyCorp “A lot of people who are generalists from the political world and who may be a bit fearful about transitioning into GR from...
Profiling Excellence: Sarina Rehal
SARINA REHAL Vice-President Crestview Strategy (Toronto office) “Many businesses underestimate the impact of government decision making on their bottom line. At...
Profiling Excellence: Dave Carey
DAVE CAREY Vice-President, Government & Industry Relations Canadian Canola Growers Association “Since I left Parliament Hill, I’ve worked exclusively in agriculture...
Profiling Excellence: Genevieve Young
GENEVIEVE YOUNG President & Chief Operating Officer | Global Public Affairs “It is important to continue to learn, hear from diverse perspectives, and constantly...
Profiling Excellence: George Wamala
GEORGE WAMALA Director of Regulatory & Government Affairs | RBC WHAT LED YOU TO THIS ROLE? I took Commerce in university and studied finance, which was particularly...