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Soumission de l'IRGC au Comité ETHI de la Chambre des communes sur la troisième édition du Code de déontologie des lobbyistes

The Commissioner of Lobbying appeared at the House of Commons ETHI Committee last week. The Commissioner outlined the rationale behind the Third Edition of the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct and agreed to delay the publication of the revised code to allow for a full review and possibly recommendations from Parliamentarians. After taking into consideration the comments made by the Commissioner, the GRIC Executive and our Legislative Affairs Chair, Hussain Shorish, have drafted a letter and submitted it to the Committee this morning. It reflects our past submissions and aligns with feedback and input we have received from members throughout the Fall. Specifically, the letter highlights the significant concerns we continue to have with hospitality restrictions that extend beyond the Conflict of Interest Act and restrictions on political activity by government relations professionals.

Click here to view the English submission
Click here to view the French submission

There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes to engage the Committee on concerns around the revised code at a critical time for our members. If you’d like to get further involved with GRIC’s work in this area please contact our Legislative Affairs Committee Chair, Hussain Shorish, to be added to the Committee for future discussions.

Publié le 6 février 2023 10h00 HNE